
Asian Inspired Arancini (Rice Balls)

Asian Inspired Arancini (Rice Balls)

  1. Beat 1 large egg with Mother-in-Law's Garlic Gochujang sauce in a small bowl. Note: you can substitute other flavors of Gochujang

  2. In a large skillet, heat 1 tbsp. of sesame oil over medium heat.

  3. Add Mother-in-Law's Kimchi, scallions and egg to the skillet and cook for two minutes while scrambling the eggs.

  4. Cook Lotus Foods rice according to package directions. Then add the cooked rice and water to the large skillet (season with salt and pepper).

  5. Stir well and cook for 2-3 minutes. Add 4-5 tbsp. flour and 1/2 tbsp. sesame seeds and mix well. Note: you should be able to take the mixture and roll it into a ball easily. Remove from heat and cool for 10 minutes.

  6. If it's too dry add more water a teaspoon at a time, if it's too wet add more flour a tablespoon at a time.

  7. Take one tablespoon of the rice mixture and roll it into a ball. Then roll the ball in a small bowl of panko crumbs until well coated.

  8. In a large skillet, heat sesame oil. Fry the arancini for 3-5 minutes or until golden brown. Serve with Gochujang mayo dipping sauce.